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News - Fix a Snapped Surfboard?

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Fix a Snapped Surfboard?
  • Jan 5, 2024

Fix a Snapped Surfboard?

Or put it on display?

The best broken surfboard fix story

Walking along a well known Gold Coast beach and notice 2 pieces of surfboard abandoned.

On closer inspection the board did belong to a local Gold Coast pro.

The board is snapped in two and completely delaminated on the bottom.

A local ding repairer fixed it and managed to retain the lightness (under instructions 'it's ok if it breaks again'). The repairer also managed to maintain the rocker perfectly.

The board went great, however the light repair job eventually succumbed - but for a while there it was great.

Weight and Flex

Certain boards feel best when they are relatively light. There is also the flex factor. Some boards feel really nice and springy, especially in the first few months.

What to do with a snapped surfboard?

1 repair it

2 throw it

3 display it on your wall

It's a classic board or the board means a lot to you - stick the board on your wall . Ghost Racks are near invisible (hence Ghost) and come in a variety-:

  • Horizontal
  • Vertical
  • Multi Angled
  • Free Standing


The moment you snap a board

Sometimes you think you have got away unscaved from a wipeout only to notice something is not right. You may brush against the rail and feel a jagged edge.

When it is a favourite board it feels like a part of you has been lost. Even Nathan Florence is NOT happy: check the 14:45 mark below.

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