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News - Do Whirlybirds work?

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Do Whirlybirds work?
  • Mar 12, 2014

Do Whirlybirds work?

Updated Nov 2022

The wet season upon us. Is it time to replace your roof?

Modern Metal Roof
Did you know a metal roof can last you up to 60 years, reduce your carbon footprint and is 100% recyclable?

Did you know that your roof space can exceed 60+ degrees Celsius? Insulation can significantly reduce the transfer of that heat into your home.

Not that cool perhaps more like this... (image of house)

How do Whirlybirds Work?

How Whirlybirds Work to keep house coolYour roof cavity can become an oven - ie exceed 60+ degrees Celsius.
In extreme weather the temperature of the air can climb as high as 75 degrees!

Your living areas sit directly below this huge bank of heat, and are adversely affected - temperatures will rise.

The fins at the top of the whirlybird spin due to the prevailing wind. The vent rotates as the wind blows through the turbine. A vacuum effect sucks hot air from the interior of the house.

Whirlybird In Rain
The design of whirlybirds is resistant to rain entering.

Is insulation enough?

Insulation is certainly useful in preventing heat build up in your home, but it really only delays the build-up of heat.

Removing the heat from your roof cavity is a great way to speed up heat transfer.
Reduce costs as your fans and airconditioning systems will not have to work as hard to cool your home.




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